
Through our activities, SAJ contributes to the development of the software industry.

General Administration Committee

With a focus on national policies, SAJ will use our committees and study groups to seek policy recommendations and other opinions and make proposals as necessary.

  • Project Mirai (temporary)

IT Policies Committee

The committee monitors national policies and IT industry trends, meeting when necessary to conduct activities, such as compiling policy proposals. A member of the Board is assigned to each activity, with the Board member playing a central role in deliberations and implementation.

  • Improving Management Strength Sub-Committee

  • Working Group for Tax Reform Response

  • FinTech Working Group

  • Working Group for Invoice Response

  • Working Group for Supporting IT Utilization at SMEs

Legal Protection and Intellectual Property Committee

We periodically hold meetings to provide information, share information, and discuss hot topics and themes which affect the legal affairs and intellectual property of IT corporations. Additionally, we make recommendations regarding national policies (legal amendments, guidelines, rules, etc.) as necessary.

Human Resource Committee

While considering national policy, we will collect information and exchange opinions on the image of professionals required by the IT industry and how to develop those professionals, with the main theme of developing IT-integrated human resources.

  • Human Resources Development Sub-Committee

  • iCD Utilization Sub-Committee

  • Internship Recruitment Sub-Committee

International Committee

With the cooperation of relevant organizations, the committee provides and exchanges various types of information towards the globalization of software industry in our country.

  • Asia Business Reserch Sub-Committee

Technical Committee

For people in the IT industry, we support the future cultivation and growth of business and human resources through technology. For example, we distribute the latest information on technology trends and application development technology (including infrastructure technology) in the IT industry.

  • UX Tech Sub-Committee
  • AI/Quantum Calculation Technology Sub-Committee
  • ICT in Agriculture Sub-Committee

Business Relations Committee

As exchanges between members, in addition to planning and operating manager seminars, member exchange meetings, etc., we also consider measures to strengthen presentations at the alliance business exchange meeting that we host, and plan special lectures.

  • Alliance Business Sub-Committee

Programming Education Committee

Based on the Global and Innovative Gateway for All (GIGA) School Concept and the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, we will broaden our horizons beyond programming education to also include digital transformation of school education as a whole, and will consider and implement a support system that can be operated as an industry group.

Regional IoT Promotion Committee

We have decided to establish the Regional IoT Promotion Committee to expand SAJ’s activities throughout Japan. Firstly, as exchange among members starting from the Kansai region, in addition to planning and managing social gatherings, seminars, study sessions, etc., we also collaborate with regional groups by participating in business matching workshops held at the Promoters of Industrial IoT in Kansai. Furthermore, we plan and operate exhibitions and other events.

  • Facial Recognition Business Sub-Committee
  • Regional 5G Sub-Committee

Software ISAC Related Committee/Sub-Committee

The following committees and Sub-Committee have been set up to expand Software ISAC members and strengthen information sharing, collaborate and share information with ISACs, update and disseminate the contents of IPA Security Guidelines, translate and disseminate the PSIRT Framework, OWASP ASVS, etc., summarize and propose security policies to the Information Technology Federation of Japan and governments, plan and implement seminars for managers, promote increased awareness of security incident countermeasures at software vendors, support PSIRT launches, review profitable businesses such as security audits and content sales, etc.


  • Security Operation Committee
  • OSS Committee
  • Guidelines Committee


  • PSIRT Promotion Sub-Committee
  • Secure Development Sub-Committee
  • AI Safe Utilization and Application Sub-Committee

Committee Related to PSQ Certification System

There are various committees that play a key role in the PSQ certification system. These committees fulfill functions such as maintenance and operation, revision of evaluation criteria, and certification judgment.

  • PSQ Certification Committee
  • PSQ Technology Committee
  • PSQ Judgment Committee